What do we need to pay attention to when installing Roots fans in the aquaculture industry?


When installing Roots fans in the farming industry, the following matters need to be noted:

- Preparation before installation

- Site selection: The installation position should be well ventilated to facilitate heat dissipation, and ensure that the surrounding environment is dry and clean to avoid dust and debris entering the fan. At the same time, keep away from flammable, explosive and corrosive gases.

- Foundation construction: The fan foundation should be firm, smooth, and a certain height above the ground (usually ≥200mm) to prevent water immersion. The size and quality of the foundation should meet the installation requirements of the fan, and can withstand the weight of the fan and the vibration generated during operation.

- Space reservation: Adequate space should be left around the fan for repair and maintenance operations, taking into account the layout and connection of the fan pipes.

- Check the equipment: Before installation, carefully check whether the components of Roots fan are intact, whether there is damage, deformation or missing, such as impeller, bearing, belt, shell, etc. At the same time, check whether the connection bolts and nuts are tight, and whether the positioning pins are correctly installed.

- Points to note during installation

- Horizontal installation: Ensure that the fan is installed on a horizontal basis and that the main shaft of the fan is level. Otherwise, the fan may run unstably, resulting in vibration and noise, and affecting the service life.

- Pipe connection: The fan and pipe connection should use a hose (flexible material and no burning), the length should not be less than 200mm, the pipe diameter is the same as the fan inlet and outlet. The hose can effectively reduce the transmission of vibration and avoid loosening or damage to pipe connections caused by fan vibration. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the pipeline is tightly connected, no air leakage, and the bracket is set in the appropriate position to support the weight of the pipeline and prevent the pipeline from sagging or swinging.

- Clearance adjustment: Pay attention to the clearance between components during installation, such as the gap between the rotor, the impeller and the shell, and the blade and the rim ring. Adjust the clearance according to the requirements to ensure that the clearance is appropriate to prevent too large or too small clearance from affecting the performance and efficiency of the fan.

- Seal check: After installation, carefully check the sealing of the fan, including the connection interface, between the shell and the impeller and other parts, to ensure that the seal is good, no air leakage, otherwise it will reduce the efficiency of the fan.

- Electrical wiring: Connect cables strictly according to the fan electrical wiring diagram to ensure that power cables are properly connected and securely grounded. When wiring, it is necessary to pay attention to the steering of the motor and the requirements of the fan, usually the belt cover (protective cover) should be installed at the pulley (coupling) to ensure the safe operation and use.

- Commissioning and acceptance after installation

- No-load test run: After the fan is installed and the electrical connection is correct, the no-load test run is carried out. Check whether the rotation of the fan is flexible, and whether there is abnormal friction, collision sound or stuck phenomenon. At the same time, observe the vibration of the fan, and the vibration should be within the allowable range. In addition, it is necessary to check whether the display of each instrument is normal, such as voltmeter, ammeter, temperature meter, etc.

- Load test run ** : After the no-load test run is normal, the load can be gradually increased for test run. In the process of load operation, pay close attention to the running state of the fan, including whether the air volume and wind pressure meet the needs of farming, whether the current and temperature of the motor are normal, and whether the vibration of the fan is intensified. At the same time, check whether the pipeline system has air leakage, blockage and other problems.

- Acceptance ** : After a period of load trial run, confirm that the performance of the fan is stable, good operation, and all indicators meet the requirements, acceptance can be carried out. During the acceptance, the installation quality, operation performance, electrical safety and other aspects of the fan should be checked, and the relevant records should be made.

- Precautions for daily use and maintenance **

- Regular maintenance: make a reasonable maintenance plan, regularly check, clean, lubricate the fan and other maintenance work. For example, regularly clean the dust and debris inside the fan, check the wear of the impeller, and replace the severely worn parts in time; Check the lubrication of bearings regularly, and replenish or replace lubricating oil in time; Check the tightness of the belt and adjust or replace it if necessary.

- Pay attention to the operating parameters: During the operation of the fan, pay close attention to the changes in the inlet and exhaust pressure, bearing temperature, motor current and other operating parameters, through which you can determine whether the fan is running normally. If the parameter is found abnormal, it should be stopped in time to check, find out the cause and eliminate the fault.

- Avoid overload operation: do not let the fan run in the overload state for a long time, otherwise it will accelerate the wear of the fan, reduce the service life, and even cause failure. It is necessary to adjust the running state of the fan reasonably according to the actual needs of breeding, and avoid unnecessary air volume and wind pressure output.

* : The electrical part of the fan should meet the requirements of safe electricity consumption, use wires, sockets, switches and other equipment that meet the national safety standards, and regularly check the insulation of the electrical line to prevent electric shock accidents.

- Winter protection: in cold areas or winter use, if the ambient temperature may be lower than 0 ° C after the fan is shut down, the water in the fan should be drained to prevent the water from freezing and causing damage to the fan.

- Backup fan: For some farms with high ventilation requirements, it is recommended to equip backup fans so that they can be put into use in time when the main fan fails to avoid adverse effects on breeding due to ventilation interruption.

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