Jiangsu Weigu fluid introduction: Air suspension blower installation precautions


Jiangsu Weigu fluid introduction: Air suspension blower installation precautions

Do not open the box before installation: Do not open any part of the box before the device is installed, such as the main box or electric control box. Otherwise, foreign objects may fall into the machine during installation and affect the use of the device.

The installation location needs good air circulation: an appropriate location should be selected to install the blower to ensure that it can operate properly and provide the required blast effect. Taking into account ventilation and heat dissipation requirements, it is best to choose an area with good air circulation and ensure that there are no obstacles around the blower.

Strong and smooth installation base: Ensure that the installation base is strong and smooth and can withstand the weight and vibration of the blower. According to the size and weight of the blower, choose the appropriate base material and structure.

Air suspension blower installation site

Ensure a stable power supply: Ensure a stable and reliable power supply that meets the electrical requirements of the blower. Check that the power supply voltage and frequency match the rated parameters of the blower and ensure that the power supply line meets safety standards.

Install proper drainage system: If the blower needs to discharge waste water or cooling water, make sure that the proper drainage system is installed. Take into account the location and slope of the drainage pipe to ensure that the wastewater can be effectively discharged.

Install proper connection pipes: Install proper pipes and connections according to the dimensions and connection requirements of the blower inlet and outlet. Make sure pipe connections are strong and leak-free, and install valves and other control devices as needed.

Enhanced safety protection measures: During the installation process, ensure compliance with the relevant safety regulations and operating procedures. Use appropriate personal protective equipment to ensure the safety of the installer.

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