Air suspension centrifugal blower manufacturers teach you debugging methods


Air suspension centrifugal blower manufacturers teach you debugging methods

 In the sewage treatment process, the general process is to use activated sludge method. Due to continuous sewage treatment, the blower is required to operate continuously, and the energy consumption of the blower accounts for about 30% to 50% of the energy consumption of the entire sewage plant. The blower has the characteristics of high efficiency, energy saving, low noise, reliable operation and long-term maintenance, and is used by more and more large and medium-sized sewage treatment plants. However, there are still many people who do not know how to debug the blower, and the following Jiangsu Weigu fluid-screw fan manufacturer engineer will give you a detailed introduction: Preparations Before Installing the blower Before installing the blower, ensure that the following tasks have been completed: (1) Safety Ensure that the blower is installed in strict accordance with the relevant national safety and health standards, ensure that the installation personnel have professional qualifications, and strictly comply with the safety and civilized construction regulations of the sewage plant site. (2) The base air suspension blower should be installed on a cement foundation with sufficient carrying capacity. In order to ensure the stability of the host when the blower is running, the base surface should be flat, and the flatness and levelness of the fan foundation are generally adopted. (3) Open the box to check the equipment packing list, and check whether the size of blower motor, impeller, Zhitubo air suspension blower body and outlet pipe diameter, diffuser pipe, vent valve, silencer and other components are consistent with the design. Before starting the air float blower, ensure that the following work has been completed (1) Ensure that all the main valves on the outlet pipe are open, especially the throttle valve on the outlet pipe above the blower is open. Starting the blower with the throttle valve closed will cause serious damage to the blower due to surge. (2) Ensure that the blower has been powered and select the correct operation mode. (3) Determine the operating conditions for the blower to start. Including the aeration tank water level, the opening state of the outlet pipe valve, the forecast load pressure and the required air flow, and the best operating point is selected at the start of the performance curve. Note the following when purging pipes: (1) Ensure that all the main pipe valves above the biological tank leading to the bottom of the pool are closed to prevent debris from blowing into the aerator. (2) The two series of biological pool are purged in turn to ensure that all the main pipes are purged to no blind area. (3) Ensure that the opening degree of the blower is large enough to provide sufficient purging force to ensure that large debris can be purged out of the blind plate. Air suspension blower common faults The air suspension blower has made a sufficient fault warning code, and the possible faults of the equipment will be displayed on the screen, and the problem can be solved by following the prompts or calling the manufacturer. At present, the state has required that cities and towns above the county level must establish urban sewage treatment plants, sewage treatment plants if the use of efficient and durable blower aeration equipment is the general trend.  

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