Today to share: suspension blower in the cement industry application


Today to share: suspension blower in the cement industry application

 Relevant data show that the carbon emissions of the cement industry account for 13.5% of the total emissions, about 1.2 billion tons, in the face of such huge emissions, how should the cement industry reduce carbon? Driven by the national "double carbon" goal, the cement industry must actively take carbon reduction measures. 

The major cement groups have invested a lot of resources, starting from every detail of the transformation, in order to achieve the goal of energy saving, consumption reduction and efficiency. Among them, the application of magnetic levitation blower provides the possibility for the cement industry, and has significant economic benefits, environmental benefits and energy saving benefits. The high efficiency and energy saving characteristics of magnetic levitation blowers can significantly reduce energy consumption in cement production. 

Compared with traditional mechanical bearing blowers, magnetic levitation blowers are non-contact and frictionless, which can greatly reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency. Secondly, the maglev blower has a long life and good stability, which can also reduce the energy and resource consumption caused by frequent replacement and maintenance. First, the necessity of energy saving and consumption reduction in the cement industry Cement industry plays an important role in China's national economy and is also an important supporting industry for modern urban construction. 

The global cement industry contributes 7% of total carbon emissions. In the process of cement production, carbon dioxide emissions mainly come from the preparation of clinker, accounting for about 25-40% of the total carbon emissions in the whole production process. Relevant data show that the energy consumption of fans in cement production is huge, accounting for more than 50% of the power consumption of the cement industry. 

At present, the primary fan, kiln head and kiln tail coal blower mainly use Roots fan, but because of the friction of the rotor shaft using traditional bearings, and the mechanical loss of the speed gear and coupling transmission, the energy consumption is relatively high. In order to optimize energy consumption, magnetic levitation blower can be used to replace the traditional Roots fan. Because the magnetic levitation blower has the characteristics of no friction, high efficiency and energy saving, it can significantly reduce the energy consumption of the fan and improve the energy efficiency of the cement production system. Second, the operating principle of magnetic levitation blower We often say that maglev blowers have the advantages of no mechanical friction, no contact and small energy consumption, so what is the principle of forming this advantage?

 In fact, this is thanks to the non-contact bearing technology of the maglev blower. A magnet is installed on the rotor of the maglev blower, and a magnetic coil is installed inside the housing. When energized, the magnetic coil creates a magnetic field that interacts with the magnet and causes the rotor to levitate in the air. By constantly adjusting the size and direction of the magnetic field, the rotor can be controlled to keep it rotating in a balanced state. This operation state eliminates the friction and wear problems of traditional mechanical bearings, so that the rotor of the fan can achieve a stable suspension state when rotating at high speed, effectively reducing energy loss and noise.

 Third, the advantages of magnetic levitation blower Magnetic levitation blower is directly driven by high-speed permanent magnet motor and efficient three-way flow impeller, which saves more than 30% energy than traditional Roots fan and more than 20% energy than multi-stage centrifugal fan. At the same time, the self-balancing technology of the magnetic levitation blower makes the vibration amount of the magnetic levitation gas bearing smaller than the traditional bearing and no mechanical friction, and the design of active vibration reduction, the fan runs stable, the body vibration is very small, and the overall noise of the fan is about 80dB(a). 

Moreover, the maglev blower generally adopts an integrated design skid structure, which is convenient to install and can be started and stopped with one key. It can effectively avoid mechanical maintenance during daily operation, only need to replace or clean the filter. Fourth, the application of magnetic suspension blower in the cement industry Blast system: magnetic suspension blowers are widely used in the blast system in the cement production process. In cement production, blower as an important power equipment, used for oxygen supply, exhaust and combustion control and other links. The magnetic suspension blower can reduce energy consumption and improve the efficiency and stability of the blast system. Kiln head exhaust system: An important part of cement production is the kiln head exhaust system.

Magnetic levitation blowers can be used to remove high-temperature exhaust gas from the kiln head and provide fresh air, and improve the exhaust gas treatment effect. Clinker preparation system: Clinker preparation as one of the important process links in the cement industry, magnetic suspension blower can provide stable air volume and pressure, ensure the uniform heat treatment and mixing effect of clinker, improve production efficiency and product quality. Dust removal system: cement production is prone to produce a lot of dust and particulate matter, causing serious pollution to the environment. Magnetic suspension blower by providing a stable airflow, can help the dust removal system more effectively treat the exhaust gas, reduce the concentration of emissions and environmental pollution.    

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