Common faults and countermeasures of screw blower


Common faults and countermeasures of screw blower 

 When using screw blowers, we will inevitably encounter some failures, such as failure to start, insufficient exhaust volume, and sudden rise of exhaust pressure. 

Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the operation of the screw blower and find and analyze the fault in time. By finding the accurate cause, quickly take corresponding measures, quickly repair the fault, and ensure the normal industrial production. 

One, can not start 

1 Power Failure Check whether the power supply is normal, ensure that the power switch is on, and check whether the power line is open or short. 

2. The control system is faulty Check that switches, protection devices and control signals in the control system are working properly. This can be caused by a faulty control circuit, damaged sensors, or faulty controllers. 

3. Motor problems Check the motor for faults, such as broken winding, overload protector trip or motor damage. It may be caused by aging of the motor, overload or electrical failure.    

4. The transmission system is faulty Check that the belt, coupling or gear drive in the drive system is working properly. May be caused by loose, broken or damaged transmission components. 

5. Overload protection During operation, the screw blower may trigger the overload protection device due to excessive load, resulting in failure to start. Check the load to make sure the load is within the rated range. 

6. Mechanical failure It may be caused by a broken, blocked or blocked mechanical component. 

Check the mechanical parts of the screw blower to make sure they are not damaged or blocked. Second, insufficient exhaust volume 

  1. The air intake is blocked If the air intake of the screw blower is blocked or blocked, it will lead to a reduction in air flow, resulting in the problem of insufficient exhaust volume, at this time, the air intake needs to be cleaned to troubleshoot. 

  2. Screw wear or damage If the screw of the screw blower is worn or damaged, its working efficiency will be reduced, resulting in reduced exhaust volume. Screw replacement or repair of damaged parts if necessary. 

  3. The motor is faulty The motor failure of the screw blower, such as voltage instability or motor damage, will cause its speed to decline, resulting in insufficient exhaust volume, you can try to repair or replace the motor. 

  4. Belt slip After the screw blower is used for a long time, the belt may wear and lose the original friction, resulting in skid. If the belt has been seriously worn and loses friction, it should be adjusted in time or replaced with a new belt. 

 5. The filter is blocked If the filter screen of the screw blower is blocked, the flow of air will be restricted, resulting in reduced exhaust volume. The filter should be cleaned or replaced regularly. 

  6 The safety valve leaks If the set pressure of the safety valve exceeds the rated pressure range of the screw blower, the safety valve will open prematurely and leak. 

Or after a long time of use, the safety valve may be worn or damaged, resulting in a poor seal, resulting in gas leakage. It is worth noting that improper adjustment of the safety valve or incomplete cleaning is also easy to produce gas leakage. At this time, it is necessary to adjust the setting pressure of the safety valve, check the status of the safety valve regularly, and replace the new safety valve in time if there is wear or damage. At the same time, it is also necessary to regularly clean and maintain the safety valve, and correctly adjust the safety valve to ensure its normal work.  

Three, the exhaust pressure suddenly rises

 1. Fan overload Overload means that the load borne by the screw blower during operation exceeds its design capacity. If the system demand exceeds the capacity of the blower, the fan will not be able to provide enough airflow, causing the exhaust pressure to rise. At this time, it is necessary to check the load to confirm whether the screw blower is operating normally within the design load range. If there is overload, the load should be reduced in time or other measures should be taken.

 2. The filter element is blocked If the filter element of the screw blower is blocked or seriously polluted, it will limit the flow of air and cause the exhaust pressure to rise. Clean or replace the filter element regularly to ensure smooth air passage and avoid clogging resulting in rising exhaust pressure. 

 3. The air intake is blocked If the air intake of the screw blower is blocked or blocked, the air cannot enter the fan smoothly, resulting in an increase in exhaust pressure. Regularly check whether there are obstacles in the air intake, and clean them in time to ensure that the air enters the blower smoothly. 

 4. The blower is faulty Damage, wear or failure of components inside the screw blower can lead to increased airflow resistance, which in turn leads to increased exhaust pressure. If you suspect that there is a fault inside the blower, contact professional technicians for maintenance and overhaul, and repair or replace the damaged parts in time. 

When handling faults, follow the safety rules and take appropriate measures based on the actual situation. If the problem cannot be solved or you are not sure how to operate, it is recommended to consult professional technicians for further diagnosis and repair, or the manufacturer for further guidance and support.    

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